Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneWeathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour Stone used as low seat walls in playground area.View Specifications › 
Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneWeathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour Stone 6ft long units used along the shoreline.View Specifications › 
Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneWeathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour Stone - 6ft long x 24-30" Wide x 9" High used along shoreline and 6ft long x 24-30" Wide x 18" High used as low seat walls.View Specifications › 

Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneWeathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour Stone used as low seat walls around a patio.View Specifications › 
Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneA perfect example of Stone-Link®'s comprehensive design system where all hardscaping products are used on one project for multiple design details.View Specifications › 
Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneStone-Link®'s Weathered Edge-Limestone™ uses Megastone™ technology, a proprietary manufacturing process that produces the largest oversized stone pieces in the industry, up to 6' long and 1.5' thick, with weathered edge limestone textures on 5 faces.View Specifications › 
Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneEach unit features authentic weathered limestone textures on all sides for one or two sided retaining walls.View Specifications › 
Weathered Edge-Limestone™ Armour StoneAll Stone-Link® manufactured Armour Stones are calibrated at consistent thicknesses and guillotined ends making it easier to install than natural stone.View Specifications ›